Tag Archives: arabidopsis

RC4: Day 4

I took these pictures Saturday and I had no time to post them so I saved a draft and am posting it today. I also have pics from Sunday (Day 5) and those too will be posted in just a few minutes.

Enhanced Image of Arabidopsis in DDW (day 3)

I decided to try and look at the full resolution image (found here) and think I noticed something. Generally I don’t look at the full resolution pictures, but I decided to try it here because I noted that you could see a radicle (preroot) but the image isn’t clear. So I blew it up and you can slightly make it out in the center of the image shown above.

The thing that I noticed isn’t that though. What I noticed is that if you look at the seeds to the right, it looks as if there are some hairs already growing out of the seed. Now I’m not declaring this to be the caseĀ becauseĀ it is really tough to tell, but my brain is giving me the impression that there are root hairs, and I thought I’d open it up for discussion. What do you think? If it isn’t clear from the above image (which will get bigger if you click it) then click the original image link (linked above) and let me know what you think.

RC4: Live Results

This is a set of two species. The first half is arabidopsis labeled as CA (columbia arabidopsis) and the second half is tobacco labeled as VG (Virginia Gold #1). I added a second graph to chart arabidopsis growth. Since it tends to grow much faster I don’t want the data to be presented in a confusing manner, which explains having two separate charts.

I love Google Docs!

DDW3: Day 11 (tap and di)

I zoomed out for the tobacco seed in tap water sample (VG, tap) because I noticed that one seedling began to float. It appears there are very little root hairs on this sample, which was noticed in the previous (usable) trial. Notice that both arabidopsis and tobacco seeds have root hairs in DI water, which entices me to see what happens in DDW (still at Day 2). Will record progress…

DDW3: Day 2 (ddw and sim)

You can’t tell, but the ddw sample of arabidopsis (CA) has one seed that has already sprouted. So I think my hunch that I used D2O in the other batch is correct because those seeds still haven’t sprouted yet (Day 11).

RC4: Day 3

RC4: Day 2

Arabidopsis has already sprouted. In the future I may have to do a separate trial where I track growth more frequently.