Category Archives: SACNAS 2012

Open Notebook Science – SACNAS Poster

I finished my poster for SACNAS on Friday and it is getting printed today. You can check it out via Slideshare and/or figshare depending on your preference. I’ve made it downloadable via both links, but the figshare one won’t alter the original file so I would download from there. Anyways here it is:

SACNAS 2012 Poster Planning

I’m in an interesting predicament right now. I have two powers: (1) scientific thought and (2) artistic interpretation. As the great Uncle Ben says, “With great power comes great responsibility,” and I have the unique ability to deliver an informative poster with great aesthetic appeal. But what should I make my poster look like?

So here I sit. My poster is already mapped out, and I just need to figure out a useful design for my poster. I’ve been thinking of a couple of choices:

  1. SketchNote Style – artistically speaking this would be awesome, but from an information digestion perspective this may be overwhelming. Maybe I’ll hand draw an alternative design and give that away to someone.
  2. ONS Talk Style – this would maintain the same style as my presentations of the same theme.
  3. Theme Tree
  4. Mindmap Style – but prettier (embedded below)

At this point, I think a MindMap or the ONS Style would be most appropriate. I’m going to dwell on this a bit more before getting to work on the design (and I’ll get to work on the content in the process). In the mean time, check out the mindmap via the link above or the embed below!

Create your own mind maps at MindMeister

Open Notebook Science Presentation 2: UNM Biomedical Symposium

Back in April I presented “Open Notebook Science: Research in Real-Time” at the New Mexico Graduate and Professional Student Conference. Well as part of my plan to take over the world open notebook science to the next level I’m presenting a poster on ONS at SACNAS and in preparation for that I’ve amended my NMGPSC presentation to present at the UNM Biomedical Research Symposium tomorrow (Friday August 10, 2012). Check it out: