Category Archives: Water Type Effects on Organism Growth

Yeast grown in 60% D2O

60% D2O YPD plates Setup

  1. Water (already prepared and antibiotic added):
    • 24ml D2O YPD
    • 16ml DI YPD
  2. 0.8g agar
  3. Stir and heat on hotplate
  4. Pour 15-20ml into petri dish and allow to cool
  5. seal with parafilm

60% D2O Time Trial

Setup. I actually did this experiment yesterday, but time constraints prevented me from posting the live results (which is funny because that requires literally 5 minutes, oh well). Anyway here is some fun data:

40% D2O Yeast colonies comparison

Attached are some images taken of the colonies with my iPhone, my iPhone macro lens, and my iPhone microscope (respectively). Notice the difference in growth and colony size:

Arabidopsis growth update

This batch of arabidopsis seeds seems to be faring much better. I added an incandescent bulb to my lighting on Monday and the plants appear to be taking much better than with the fluorescent alone. I need to get another timer to put that light on so the plants can have a full 16 hours of both lights.

I also added some micropore tape (used for wounds and stuff) to seal my samples. This allows the plants to breathe and hopefully minimize evaporation. The corks that I was using before seem to do a good job, but I was always fearful that I was hindering air transfer. This method gives me a little better peace of mind.

Here are some seedling images for your viewing pleasure:




40% D2O yeast cell morphology

It is tough to determine differences between the 20% D2O cells and these, but they appear slightly more spherical and also a bit larger. Evidence of stalled cellular division is not yet apparent. Check out the cells:

40% D2O yeast colony morphology: Part 1

The colonies are not nearly as well developed as those grown on 20% D2O, but there is evidence of stress even at this stage. The colonies (1) are obviously smaller than the 20% D2O growth, and (2) have a little less spherical symmetry. I’ll continue to grow the yeast in the incubator and check the progress tomorrow (but once before I leave tonight).

Yeast grown on 40% D2O YPD agar.
Yeast grown on 40% D2O YPD agar.

20% D2O yeast colony morphology

The yeast grown on 20% D2O YPD exhibits growth not all that different from yeast grown on normal DI water plates. It’s tough to ascertain colony growth time because analysis was not performed in time intervals. Check out what a standard individual colony looks like:

Yeast grown on 20% D2O YPD agar.
Yeast grown on 20% D2O YPD agar.

Long Term Yeast Adaptation Update

After 2 weeks of yeast growth, I thought I’d re-share the long term adaptation spreadsheet. So far no bacterial contamination, but that’s thanks to antibiotics. Anyways, here is the spreadsheet again: