Category Archives: Water Type Effects on Organism Growth

Dissertation Plan

Here is my dissertation and defense plan. My research is composed of three areas:

  1. Shotgun DNA Mapping
  2. D2O Effects
  3. Open notebook science

All of it will be tied together because of ONS and D2O. Let’s get to it!!!

Create your own mind maps at MindMeister

Yeast morphology in 80% D2O

Yeast Colonies in 60% D2O YPD

So I suck at my own microscopy technique of taking pictures and combining them. In each case I left out a pretty sizable portion of the colony. 🙁 Oh well. I’m going to do these experiments again (cause I made 2 sets of each type of solid media, 0%-100% D2O) and will be taking new images then. Can’t wait!!

Arabidopsis growth update

Ever since I added a timed incandescent bulb to the system, the plants have been flourishing! That’s a gross over exaggeration, but they’ve been growing faster and better than prior. Check them out! I think next week I’ll add some 20% D2O plants and start charting their growth.20130109-125256.jpg



80% D2O YPD Solid Media

  1. Water (already prepared and antibiotic added):
    • 32ml D2O YPD
    • 8ml DI YPD
  2. 0.8g agar
  3. Stir and heat on hotplate
  4. Pour 15-20ml into petri dish and allow to cool
  5. seal with parafilm