SDM 2-piece ligation results

Here are the lane designations:

  1. 1kb ladder
  2. 5’bio reaction from yesterday
  3. 5’bio reaction from this morning
  4. internal-bio reaction from yesterday
  5. internal-bio reaction from this morning



It looks like the ligation didn’t work exactly as planned, but I would say definitely better than the 3 piece ligation debacle. I also let the gel run for too long, so the 1, 1.5, and 2 kb bands have run off the gel. The bottom band in the gel is the 3kb band. The brightest bands in my gel are the 4.3kb linear pBR322 fragment and then what would be the ligation product. And it appears the ligation didn’t work at all in the 5’bio reaction from this morning. Oh well gel extraction and unzipping attempts are next on the “To Do.”