Final tally and next steps

The #SciFund Challenge Round 2 is now complete (mostly as there are a couple late starting projects that will be completing soon). And from what I’ve heard it’s been a smashing success. Together as a group we’ve raised over $100,000 and out of 75 projects 33 were fully funded (or exceeded their goal), and my project “The Effect of Water on Life” was one of them!

In total I managed to raise $2125! Of which I will get about $1950 of after Rockethub subtracts their fees.

I’ll be doing a bit of notebooking on the process of getting the money and how UNM handled it. From what I’ve heard from other people, this is a complication in the process. UNM at first was very helpful in getting me started, and I expected to put the money in through the UNM Foundation (their charity receiving arm) which would create an account for me. Now I’m verifying that this is what I actually need to do. I’ll post more later.

In the mean time I’ll be offering my public thanks to the rest of the people who contributed and like I said before I’ll be getting the rewards going when I return from NY and if you’re in line for one you’ll be getting it (hopefully) by the end of the month.

Again, thank you to everyone! Thanks to Jai and Jarrett of the #SciFund Challenge for organizing this amazing program. Thanks to all the participants of #SciFund for the community and support and help. Even though a lot of you aren’t open about your research, the experience was very open science. Thanks to all my open science friends for sharing the message about #SciFund and my project in particular. And especially thanks to the 38 contributors of my project!

I couldn’t have done any of this without any of you!