My #Scifund challenge pre-proposal

I found out about the first round of SciFund too late, but I’ve been on top of it since and I’m going to try crowdfunding for science! Proposals are due by March 29 and must be kept under 150 words. Here is my draft:

Here is the link.

I hope that after initial peer-review, there is an opportunity to explain in more detail the specifics of your project, because 150 words is not nearly enough information to determine if you should contribute any amount of money to a project.

I’m going to request $3000 and during end of this month and into next month I’ll produce an expected budget summary and detailed project outline. All in the open! And if I don’t get into the RocketFund SciFund challenge, I’ll try and crowdfund in other ways or even independently.

Anyways you’re feedback is always welcome!