Category Archives: RC4

RC4: Time-Lapse Growth

Here are all the time lapse slideshows in one easy to load post. Juct click the links and away you go. It is worth mentioning that the arabidopsis images are much more dramatic because they grew so fast, but the growth rates are more obvious in the tobacco seed (VG) samples. Enjoy!

Repeating Crumley Experimental Data on FigShare!

It took me a while, but I finally got my data from the Repeating Crumley set of experiments up on FigShare. Of course, I didn’t call it Repeating Crumley there since that experiment has no context. You can download the data sets and figures here:

Repeating Crumley FigShare Data and Figures

The interesting thing about this site is that your data remains your data but is openly accesible. Each upload is given a citation. Mine is:

Salvagno, Anthony; Koch, Steven J; Salvagno, Anthony (2012): Repeating Crumley: Tobacco Seed Growth in D2O. figshare.
Retrieved 22:15, Mar 02, 2015 (GMT)

Also there is a little section for social media promotion and it tracks the page analytics for you as well. That is pretty neat!

It did take me a while to get this up on FigShare unfortunately. For a while I couldn’t log in with Twitter, Facebook, or Google. I was asked repeatedly to sign in while trying to upload stuff. Eventually I just gave up and created a new account. Then when I tried to upload my first images, the site was unresponsive. I did spend a considerable amount of time organizing my resources so it would be presentable on FigShare, so that added to the mess a bit. And I also spent some time collecting links from my notebook to incorporate with the data so all experimental information can be collected. I also monified my active experiments page a little so some of the links are easier to navigate.

Despite how time consuming this first run was, it was definitely worth it.






Growth of Tobacco Seeds in Heavy Water

Growth of tobacco seeds in DI water.
Growth of tobacco seeds in DI water.
Growth of tobacco seeds in DDW.
Growth of tobacco seeds in DDW.
Growth of tobacco seeds in 33% D2O.
Growth of tobacco seeds in 33% D2O.
Growth of tobacco seeds in 66% D2O.
Growth of tobacco seeds in 66% D2O.
Growth of tobacco seeds in 99% D2O.
Growth of tobacco seeds in 99% D2O.