Category Archives: D2O Effects on Life

D2O1: Day 7

D2O1: Day 6

My #SciFund Proposal (a work in progress)

I just wanted to get this up today. Here is my #SciFund proposal on Google Docs. It is publicly open for comments. I won’t have a rough draft done until later today or early tomorrow so be sure to check back frequently. But in the spirit of open notebook science, I figured everyone deserves a chance to see the evolution in real time.

DDW Effects on Microorganisms

D2O1: Day 5

D2O1: Day 4

D2O1: Day 3

D2O1: Day 2

D2O1: Day 1

RCD: Day 7

Some notes:

  • Sorry for the poor picture quality. I’ll have to figure out something better.
  • I studied every sample and there is exactly one sprout and it is in the sample that has been in D2O for over a month. This is due to one of two reasons: 1) It sprouted before addition to D2O, or 2) there is significant H-D exchange in this sample and the seed eventually sprouted. I’m guessing it is a fluke since there are no other sprouts.

D2O1: Day 0

Some things to note:

  • all D2O mixes are mixtures between D2O and DDW
  • SMOW (Standard Mean Ocean Water) is 15mM D2O
  • 1% D2O is 37.5 times more D2O than SMOW so figure ~562mM D2O
  • Because of an unforeseen sunburn (which probably was foreseen by someone) I didn’t get to keep on my schedule. So these were in the fridge until today, a full week after setup. I’ll keep an eye on the sprouting to make sure that everything proceeds as normal, but this may be a throw away experiment.
  • Also, recall that there was a mishap with the 20% D2O sample. There is a huge air bubble in there and that might negate this sample.