Tobacco Seed Growth Rates

I got some awesome new data to show. The first is the compilation of all the Repeating Crumley experiments. And the second is some new data that I’ve been meaning to create and now have with the help of Koch.

Tobacco seed germination rates
Tobacco seed germination rates

The data above is the compilation of all the RC data. Each trial had different water types, but I combined the samples that were the same in every set (DDW, DI water, 33% D2O, 66% D2O, and 99% D2O). Steve adapted his R-code that applies binomial confidence intervals to a data set and used it on this data. If that makes no sense, then just know that the dotted lines are the most probable range of germination rates. For instance, in 66% D2O there is a ~70% likelihood that seeds will germinate at a rate within the dotted yellow lines.

Now it’s time for some brand new data:

tobacco seed root length
tobacco seed root length

Here we went through the pictures from Trial 5 and compared the growth rates of the roots. We calculated the lengths of various seeds in each image and tracked the changes from image to image. We chose DI, DDW, and 1% D2O, because the D2O concentrations are relatively similar and because we wanted to test a hypothesis from a while ago. It’s interesting that the seeds in DDW and D2O grow at the same rate, while seeds in DI water grow at roughly half the speed.