Starter Culture Analysis

I was curious to see what the yeast start out as before I add YPD to the equation. So I took a sample and brought it to the microscope. I then wanted to try and analyze the process that took the yeast from what it was as a starter “colony” (I have no idea what to call this) to become the buds that we all know and love. While I doubt that I’ve really learned anything, I think I took some fun pictures:

It appears the cells start as spores or some kind of egg. And after the addition of YPD the center expands and the yeast cells begin to awaken from their hibernation. I have no idea if what I’m saying is true, but that’s the only thing I can think of from my observations.

I had 3 samples, two of which are imaged here: the first is just the starter volume right out of the fridge, the second is the starter volume with an equal volume of YPD added, and the third sample (not imaged above) is after incubation for about an hour.

It should be noted that I saw quite a few rods in my samples. I hope they aren’t bacteria, because if so that indicates the “infection” is in my stock. After some brief reading across the web, it seems I can just inoculate my yeast in the presence of an antibiotic like ampicillin (which I have) to hinder bacterial growth. Then I can grow on solid media and isolate a colony of yeast.

I almost kinda want to let bacteria take over and add antibiotic to see what happens…