#Scifund money update

I am incredibly sorry that this has taken so long. A few weeks ago I turned in the form needed to get myself an expense account. Apparently there were some important numbers missing that I didn’t know were necessary. Right now the account is pending that information. Hopefully you and I don’t have to wait much longer.

The good news is that UNM has given me no problems with accepting the money. I’ve heard several stories about other #Scifunders having issues getting the money through their universities, and I’m pleased that I’ve had no issues so far. I’ll write a short summary post about the process of getting the money donated once it completely goes through the system and I have a spending account.

Then in the interest of transparency and open science I’ll be telling you exactly what I’m purchasing, when I purchase it so you know exactly where your money is going. My first purchase will be for shipping supplies, paper, and printing costs (to make all your thank you cards!). Then I’ll be buying some water for the yeast experiments and hopefully for some follow up deuterium exchange experiments.