Yeast hourly growth in DI, DDW, and 30%, 60%, 90%, and 99% D2O


Yeast growth in DI, DDW, and 30%, 60%, 90%, and 99% D2O. Anthony Salvagno. Figshare.
Retrieved 21:20, May 24, 2012 (GMT)


  • I don’t think this is a reliable data set. Several of the samples actually read a lower absorbance after the first hour than they initially do. And then they all dip again at hour 4.
  • I noticed a considerable amount of cell settling after hour 3 on the bottom of each test tube. I mixed prior to reading the absorbance values, but this is likely to skew the results. Next trial I will have to mix before reading every hour.
  • The data between DI, 30%, 60%, and 99% D2O look consistent with Tuesday’s results, but it scares me that the DDW and 90% D2O are completely out of whack.