A huge thank you to everyone!

Back in February I wrote a grant application through UNM to reimburse money for travel to ScienceOnline 2012. I then wrote a blog post asking for people on the internet to review my grant and provide feedback so I can be assured success. The result was overwhelming as I instantly had many people leaving comments on my grant with really useful feedback.

Today I received word that I won the grant money!

I wish to thank each and everyone who read my grant, reviewed it, read my blog/notebook, retweeted my plea for help, and/or wrote comments. I really appreciate the help you provided and I hope I can count on you all again when I go public with my #SciFund Challenge proposal.

As an added bonus I learned that I scored a 92.544 out of 100 on my grant which just shows that collective knowledge works for the better!

Going to ScienceOnline 2012 was such a unique opportunity and I cherished it regardless of paying for the unconference out of pocket or with grant money. I met so many people who I now regularly communicate with and work with/hope to work with in the near future. I am truly humbled by the experience of ScienceOnline 2012, the efforts to aid me in my research, and the effort to help me secure funding for the unconference.

After all, if it wasn’t for this huge success, I would not have written this post, which I consider my biggest success in blogging.

Again I thank you all from the bottom of my heart!!!