Help me pay for going to #scio12 (by reviewing my grant)

I’m writing a grant to the Student Research Allocations Committee (SRAC) part of the Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) here at the University of New Mexico (UNM). The grant is for up to $500 which is almost exactly what I need to pay for the airfare.

The reviewers try to be as objective as possible about the grading and you can find a rubric here: Scoring Sheet.

I’m writing the grant in Google Docs and I’ve made it so that anyone can comment. So leave comments either below in the comment section of this post or in the document itself. This right now is a work in progress and will be expanded as the day goes on. If you can read and critique my grant I would be much appreciative. Granting in the open can be fun and let’s show a collaborative effort makes a winner. Here is the embed:

And here is the link in case you can’t get to the document from the embed: Send Anthony to ScienceOnline 2012