Something weird growing in 33% D2O: Follow Up

So yesterday I mentioned how there was hair growth in the 33% D2O tobacco seed sample. I’m not sure what to make of it because I have proof that could possibly go either way.

In favor of root hairs, I have:

presoaked dark viriginia in ddw


presoaked virginia gold in ddw

And in favor of fungus/mold I have:

33% d2o from Trial 1 (see fuzz near top)

Now you see, this last picture isn’t conclusive that it is in fact mold, but the reason I think it is is because the density of “cloud” is way thicker than in any of the root hair samples in a shorter amount of time. In a strange twist, this piece of evidence also occurs in the 33% D2O sample from RC1. I’m positive this also happened in one of the samples from Trial 3 as well, but I have no proof of the matter (and also possibly in the 33% D2O sample).

I’m using the first two images as proof of root hairs, because in both of those samples, the seeds have either failed to germinate or barely germinate and there are significant root hairs.

This is all very interesting indeed. Looks like a trip to UNM Biology is in order!