RC3: Day 7

Arabidopsis vs Tobacco Seeds: A comparison

I took some macro- and microscopic images to show the size difference between the arabidopsis and the tobacco seeds. While microscopically, the arabidopsis is roughly the same size as the tobacco seed in 1 dimension, the arabidopsis is actually much smaller volume wise. While I have no concrete numbers (because I have no way to measure this stuff), it is obvious that the width and height of the tobacco seed are much greater (probably twice as wide and tall).

The scale rectangles in the microscopic images are 100um meaning each hash mark is 25um apart. These images were taken at 10x magnification on our Olympus IX71. The scale is built into a coverslip called Cellattice (which I really don’t like at all, they are made of plastic and bend very easily and thus make it hard for microscopy).

The reason that I’m showing all this is to get a sense of how difficult it is to work with these seeds. First they are small (tobacco is ~.6mm a side, and arabidopsis is ~.3mm on its smallest side). Second there is the static thing. I mentioned this before, but for some reason the seeds become charged and are repelled by the tweezers. I thought the tobacco seeds were hard to handle, but the arabidopsis go flying when I try to pick them up.

In trying to rationalize why there is a more profound effect on the smaller seeds, I thought we’d look at this physically speaking (don’t worry only basic math):

  • Electric Force is proportional to the charge of the objects divided by the distance between the objects. F_{E} = kq_{1}q_{2}/d
  • Let’s assume the charge on both the arabidopsis and tobacco seeds are the same. Then q_{1} is your seed charge and q_{2} is the charge on your tweezers. If the charges are both positive or both negative then you will get a repulsion, otherwise you get an attraction.
  • To find out which one will get flung farther if there is a repulsion then you need another equation. We can say that F_{E} = F_{a} = ma Where F_{a} is just a force due to acceleration. Both seeds will have the same F_{a} because they have the same F_{E}. This means that the tobacco seed, which has more mass (m) will have less acceleration (a) than the arabidopsis which will have a much higher acceleration.

That means less fun for me 🙁

DDW Effects on Life: Trial 3 Setup Continued

imageHere is the setup I have for taking pictures of the seeds. As you can see, it is on the same assembly that I use for the Repeating Crumley Experiment.

The camera is on a rail that is kept parallel to the seed rack that I created. I use rubber bands to keep the two cage rods as tight as possible on the cuvettes. This prevents them from falling out of the assembly, and provides a nice divider between organisms. The arabidopsis seeds are on the left and the tobacco seeds are on the right.

Despite the appearance, the structure is actually quite stable, as long as there is no direct impact with the cuvettes. With that said, I have some minor modifications in mind once I buy some more equipment.

DDW Effects On Life: Trial 3 Setup

From now on, I’m going to refer to this experiment as DDW3, so I don’t have to type all that out when I’m updating pics. I’m also still not sure how frequently I’m going to update (no less than every 3 days though). The reason is because I don’t need to track growth rates (although maybe that would work), but instead I need to look for phenotypical changes to the plants (like the root hairs in trial 1).


I have four samples per organism and I have two organisms. Now I’m doing both tobacco seeds and arabidopsis. Arabidopsis is one of the model organisms for genetics and hopefully will be great in this series of experiments. Let’s discuss the setup:

  • Initial preparation began with preparation of water types. DI, DDW, and tap water were placed in 15ml centrifuge tubes to be added to samples later. 0.5ml of D2O were placed in a PCR tube for mixing to be done later.
  • 5 seeds per sample were counted and added to 8 prelabeled macro cuvettes (from VWR, see Experiments’ Products Page). Seeds were handled with tweezers and dropped into the cuvettes (this proved very difficult with the arabidopsis seeds because they are at least 25% the size of the tobacco seeds).
  • I used Columbia arabidopsis and Virginia Gold #1 tobacco seeds (also on the Product Page). I chose Virginia Gold #1 because of its inclusion in the prior experiments, and I chose Columbia because it was listed as a participant in the genome sequencing project of the species.
  • 3ml of each water type were then added to the cuvettes (1 type per cuvette) with the exception of the D2O. For the fourth sample, I added 2999.5ul (or as close to that as I could possible get) of DDW and added .42ul of D2O. This sample is what I’m calling simulated water and is based on the Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water. I used the proportion of D to H from that standard to determine how much D2O to add to DDW to create that same proportion. (It should be noted that this volume here is about 10x smaller than what I initially calculated last week and that post will be amended to reflect these values).
  • Cuvettes were then closed and placed in my photography rack, custom made by me from leftover Thor Labs cage system parts.

In previous experiments, I have done a few samples of presoaked seeds. In this trial I’m postponing those samples until these experiments are complete because there is a lack of space on my rack. I need to buy more cage system parts (the rest are being used in the previously unmentioned Optical Tweezers our lab has constructed) and then I can build a better photo rack.

In the past I’ve complained about the static repulsion the tobacco seeds have from the tweezers I use. Well with the arabidopsis seeds, the repulsion plays a much larger effect. The seeds are way smaller than the tobacco seeds and thus have less mass. So when they feel an electric force, they are propelled farther. I’ll go into the physics in the next post because it just dawned on me that I should have a picture showing the size difference. But once I figured out a decent technique of grabbing the seeds (it involved lots of jukes, saying “look over there,” and convincing the seeds that I had something great to show them) the setup didn’t take too long, and was considerably easier once I moved on to the tobacco seeds.

So now that I’ve had a whole post to discuss the setup and thus time to think it over, I think I’ll take pictures daily until I’ve determined that this data is useful or irrelevant. I’ll take a picture of my setup as-is now and post that so you can see what I’m working with.

DDW Effects on Seeds: Try 3 Day 0

There are 5 seeds in each sample, but some seeds may still be floating. Hopefully the seeds will have settled by tomorrow so I can take better pictures.

RC3: Day 6

RC3: Day 5

RC3: Day 4

RC3: Day 3

RC3: Day 2

I forgot all about taking pictures for Day 2. So I took them this morning and we should really call them Day 2.5. I’ll post Day 3 later today to keep us on track.