The Open PCR Build

Several months ago, a colleague (Andy Maloney) found out about a movement to make an open source PCR machine (thermal cycler) and signed the lab up immediately to receive one of the first ones off the assembly line. It is produced by a company known as OpenPCR and was made by two amazing gentlemen (Tito Jankowski and Josh Perfetto) with support from a great community.

The machine itself costs $599 which is considerably cheaper then the cheapest options (a quich search revealed a low of at least $1500 new). It is a Do-It-Yourself (sort of) build with very detailed step by step instructions, which helps keep the cost low. Also the implementation of the Arduino chip also helps in the cost department but is also why OpenPCR can be completely open sourced.

Above is an image gallery of the build. I took a picture after I completed each section of the build instructions, which thankfully were meticulously detailed and very easy to follow. I liken it to building lego playsets in my childhood. Along with the detailed instructions, all the parts were contained in numbered and lettered boxes and bags (respectively) which would be called in the instructions. This made finding parts extremely easy and quick.

Once the build was complete the machine needed a quick power test and connection to a computer or laptop. The PCR reaction programs are set via this connection through a very elegant and simple user interface. If you are constantly changing programs the thermal cycler will need to remain tethered to the computer, but if you use the same cycle over and over you can unplug and the program will run when the machine is turned on again.

I ran a series of tests to determine the capabilities and consistency of the machine. They provide a simple program appropriately named “Simple Experiment” that will do two PCR cycles (90C, 55C, 72C) and hold at 20C to test the machine. There is even a heated lid which you can set the temperature of, a very nice feature. The software gives you great flexibility when designing a reaction program. You can adjust temperatures, time, cycles, add steps, remove steps, change the lid temp, and set the final hold temp (but from my own studies and from email communiques the machine can’t handle anything below 10C).

After running the “Simple Experiment” I discovered that there were some errors with the cool down and hold feature. In some cases the hold temp works just fine (unless the temp is set too low), in others the hold feature crashes and the machine will just naturally cool instead of being temperature controlled. In one (and only one) test, the reaction program restarted when the hold stage was reached and then initiated when that program ended.

Other than this one issue, I’ve found that OpenPCR is very consistent temperature and time wise. I ran a reaction that would cycle between 94C, 55C, and 72C ten times (for 30 sec each step), then go to 37C and hold there for 10 min, then hold at 20C. It seems to never accurately reach temperature (it goes to 90C but that may be an upper limit, then 55C, then 70C), but it is very close and perhaps close enough. The main problem like I said is the hold programming which in this data set does not work. After the 37C for 10 min the program ended and the heating block (where the PCR tubes sit) cooled via air conduction instead of temperature cooling. It never reached 20C.

Here is the link to the data.

Bottom line though is that OpenPCR works very well and the support staff (Tito and Josh) are very helping, knowledgeable, and open to improving the product. In fact I’m scheduled to meet with them via phone tomorrow to share with them all of my findings in gory details. I’ll let you know how it goes! Until then…